Who Am I

Something brought you here, what?
Well since you are here I’m guessing you like reading blogs! Allow me to introduce myself (inserts crying laughing emoji).

At best, I am a poet but poetry is not all that I write. I began writing in a journal at a very young age..I’d write about my day usually before bed. As I grew older I began writing more and more. By middle school I was going through changes, experiencing many emotions both negative and positive and aside from journaling about my day or how I was feeling I started writing music. I never had much of a voice as far as singing (I sing my heart out in the shower though) but the lyrics I’d write meant the world to me…then came poetry. In 2009 I wrote my very first poem “Broke.” Something most do not know is that Broke came from a song I had written prior to. From that moment on poetry became a HUGE part of who I am. I drifted apart from journaling as the years went on, I believe my Freshman year of high school was the last time I wrote every day. Occasionally I’d write a rhyme or two but poetry since that day has stayed.

Why am I blogging? 

I love helping people, I never look at it as a job or get bothered by others coming to me with their problems. I don’t just give my opinion or advice. I place myself in that person’s shoes which at times is a little difficult depending on the situation and how well I relate. But I try my best to understand before voicing my opinion, I treat people’s problems like they are my own. I welcome anyone with open arms because I know how it feels to have NO ONE. To be at your lowest, your box with all your problems locked inside.. will explode at any moment, and you look around you. You search through your contacts…a list of people who don’t really care. I do not care about all that “I don’t need anyone, I never will.” crap because everyone at some point needs someone for something. Being a support, a shoulder to cry on, a person to share your deepest thoughts your secrets that you have kept to yourself for so long, someone who will not judge you, someone you can laugh with, who you can share your goals with, A FRIEND…to me, there is nothing better. I have better bonds with complete strangers who have reached out to me than I do with certain family members and that is truly amazing and something I will forever be grateful for.

My only hope for this blog is that it inspires YOU! Whoever you are that is reading this I hope this blog helps you in some aspect of your life. I will not be posting about one specific topic, some days things will get a little more personal but personal can be a great thing. So I hope if you have read this far that you will be back for more!!!

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